There was 10th result. Many of the students has got the good marks and many of them may be failed. However, that is not means that who has passed are success and who got failed are failed in the life. Just cheer up and and work hard. The life is not the 10th result. There are many thing in the life to do. 10th result is the only one stop in the life long journey. Do not feel shame on failing the 10th, there are many people in the world who got failed in 10th as well in many exam, but, it means not they are fail for the life. Parents should not pressure on their children on such fail result. Just encourage the children for the coming future. The life has many aspects to live.
Now, let's us see the discuss who has passed the 10th. Now, they will start to find the tuition for their classes which it self shows that they required extra coaching and it shows that there is no confidence on their own. They have doubt on their selves. Do you really think that after getting very good marks in 11th and 12th, you will be able to get all the things from the world. No, we have to learn how to live with other and with our self. Many of us are not able to think that what could we do even after getting 90+ in 12th. The struggle is going on without judging their capacity. One person jumped from the high all are trying to jump like the same. There is no self respect. One has taken admission in big class and all are doing the same by paying lacks of rupees while the result is known to all that the child can not get more than 100%. What is the meaning of running behind such a race which is never going to end. When you are not gaining as parents and your ward is not gaining any thing as student, still you are trying to fulfill the matter just by watching the matter surrounding you all. The parents are working hard to pay the fees and at last the same child is become normal child like all other. Study is require but as per the capacity of their mind and capacity. The child can not learn more than their capacity. The parents knows the best about their children.
Do you best to justify your self. Never depends and follow other. That may be false what you are feeling. You can not enjoy the life. Let the children play and learn. There is no need to learn for the hours in the day and night. We have been forced to do such things which are not required. either the way. Suppose you are going on tour and you forget to collect with you your tooth past that there will be no earth quack, you can use the salt for the whole you journey which cost to Rs 10 rather than to use paste and to cry and to anger on your wife by forgetting the tooth past. You can easily survive without many of the items in life. The same way you may not need extra coaching in certain cases and even and many of the cases. Just you have to decide. Be confident. Be smart. Someone is playing with your feelings and forcing you to do so which is not required. There are many things handled by the nature which are never need some extra attention. The child who grow up with open thoughts will always do something extra then a person who is more hard working. Do not compare your success with your money and society status. You may know that many people surrounding with you are having many money but there is no respect towards them. They are not eating special than what we eat. The same way who is having social status in society but no value in the family. They totally fail in their family. Just think on this.
At last what is important,,, the life is important...not the money and social status..and your face beauty...
Enjoy the life and love to all....
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