Travelling, one should have to do in his early days or in schooling days. The best part of learning is to travel..
School children should motivate to travel in different location and different places not the calling resort and gardens. They must know our history and geography in schooling days. India has great history of their loving kings like The king Vikramaditya and The Kind Ashoka and The king Chandragupt Maurya... and there are many more. We are also having very great temples and monuments built by our great emperor like the palace of Jaipur and Kumbhalgadh. There are many great temples in India in the South area of the nation.
We should have to teach them that how they built the those temples and palace of Maysore.. what the materials have been used there by those people. The whole India ia full of great places. Each day is festival in India. Each person of India is great. Each child is great in India. Each girl or woman in India is great and respectful.
We are having people of full energy. We are fond of temples. We always pray to our God. We love our GOD. We respect all the religion and people. We never think negative. We always believe in the best. We always think for the good. We always find the way from the trouble.
Learn from travelling all these things. Still, we have to do many activity to activate our children in this regard. We have to change our education policy. We have to create self confidence in the children.
In some cases we are not sure that what to do. There must be one body with us who can guide us that how to use the time and effort in leisure time.
We are full of energy. There are many things to learn in the nature. If you visit Mount Abu, you will find something new. If you visit Rameshwarm, you will feel something very energetic. If you visit Dhwarka, there is also something new... there are many places in India to learn and to grow. Therefore, we have to make the habit of travelling.
There are different languages, different foods, different atmosphere, different life style, different area, many rivers, many mountains, many big gardens, many great people places, many palaces, many small hills, many temples, many cities, many culture, many villages, many saints, many gurukuls, many states, many big wells, many water sources, many water falls, the Himalayas, many different forts in south, many different transportation, many dresses, many type of cloths, there are many thing to learn in India.
By accepting the above fact we have to change the method of teaching. We just teaching the maximum people physics and chemistry.. Please let me know that how long this two subjects will be useful to the students and how long. It is better to teach the subjects which are students are interested and make their career in those lines.
If you teach some basic math to a monkey it can also able to learn that, than what is the purpose to teach the student repeat task which is never going to help them.
Let's take one example, that in present scenario there is no need of accounting person in the market still the commerce students are getting degree from the universities. Either the side we can make those people to learn the basic things and divert that force to in something productive activities in which they learn and earn something for their families. As we know that in present time the accounting is done by the computer and which is correct. Yes, if we want to do some corruption than definitely we should learn in deapth the commerce else there is no need to learn by all the people.
OK, this is with connection with travelling, if we travel to foreign country than we learn and we charge for us.
There are many more things to share, will share in later face...
Thanks for reading...
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