The migration is continue process at every where either at your home or at your society or at your state or your country. There are always something new and in changing mood. The change of things is ongoing process.

The migration is require to learn more and to live well. There is always need of migration. There are many factors behind the migration of people. The human is in search of peach and security and prosperity. We always in search of better life style and security. As well, we think to apply something new and thrilling.

The migration is first come in our mind by watching the new scenario of the world. We see that there are many technologies in the world and many option for the products in the world. When a person is not feel satisfaction at his place than he plans to migrate to some other countries. We have always interest to know something new and when we are not we find it somewhere else. 

There are many points to be noticed, that some countries are providing their citizens a good amount of money direct in their bank accounts and that is very useful because it is on time and compare to market rate the amount is very good, the hot and cold water everywhere direct to their places, all citizens are equal for the country management, all are facilitate with full efforts, there is no reservation, all are working very hard, there is not gap between top level and lower level, all are happy with their governing, all are having the best medical facilities, common financial products available to all the citizens of the country, common education facilities available for all the people either they are rich or poor. 

The frequent disturbance in routine life make people to think migration. If, there is no value and respect of education again the migration is happened. If, people are not getting justice that again the scholars are thinking for migration. There is no proper pay our for the people than they find new opportunities somewhere else. 

The migration is a great loss of country. The draining of good people in different countries called migration which is gradually death for a country. We have to stop the migration and we have to create motivation in  people for their place and position.  
